🚀Release Notes #29 / 1st March 2023

✨ What’s New

Includes the new features that were added during this release.

Feature #1.  Goals Management - Create Goals Cycle

Time finally has come to introduce you to the first BETA version of the goals management module.

The admin user can create a goal cycle and set who & when will set & evaluate goals. Looking a bit closer the admin user:

Step 1 

  • gives a name to the cycle, 
  • optionally share instructions or a brief description to all participants and 
  • the due period in which the employees will need to reach their goals

Step 2

  • Decide who will set goals.  The available options are only employees, only managers , both.
  • When they will be able to set & edit goals.

Step 3

  • Decide who will evaluate goals.  The available options are only employees, only managers , both.
  • When they will be able to evaluate goals.

Step 4

Review the cycle settings & create it.

Once the cycle is created the admin user views all participants along with their reviewing managers in a table under the “Goals” menu item.

Feature #2: Add Goals 

Once the goal setting period comes the employees i.e in our example between 1st March - 20 March will be able to add & edit their goals. Likewise managers will also be able to edit/add goals to their team from March 20th till March 31st.

Actions are enabled/ disabled to employees & managers based on the admin’s settings. The employee may add a goal to a certain cycle by clicking on the “Add a goal” button in their “My Goals” page. A modal opens to enter the goal's name, description and due date.

Goals are visible to employees themselves, their reviewing managers & the admin user.

The manager views their teams’ goals in “My team’s Goals” page. According to theadmin’s settings the manager can add & edit goals to their team.

Once Goals are set, again, according to the cycle’s settings, user’s can evaluate their goals. Employees may select if they have achieved their goal by clicking on the “My evaluation” column.

Likewise manager’s may evaluate their team's goal by clicking next to each goal, under the “My evaluation” column.

🔮 Coming Soon

1. 📈 Continue with Goals management  

- Admin to edit cycle settings (who & when will set/evaluate goals, cycle’s name,  due period & description)

- All users to view cycle’s steps & dates per step (timeline)

- Admin to remove participants from a cycle.

2. ✍️ k.people blog is on its way! 

We are preparing articles for HR trends & all other hot topics around employees’ management. Stay tuned!

Thank you  

The k.people Team

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